Thanks for your time and confidence in me.
Thank you for your interest and for taking the time to let me know more about you.
I take my partnerships very seriously. I am very interested in creating a win-win situation. Something that fits with your goals and values.
I will be contacting you shortly to provide you with more information. In the meantime, check your email for a confirmation from me and make sure you go through the business and website details thoroughly.
Be thinking over any questions you might have and also what your goals and dreams are.
Are you serious about finding and establishing a solid, home based business?
Are you committed to working hard in your business for a period of three to five years, learning first, and then passing on that knowledge to others?
Are you seriously ready to take control of your future and live the life of your dreams?
While others may attempt to "sell" you on hype and inflated promises, I promise you the information provided by my team is honest, factual and detailed.
Should we mutually decide to partner together, you will receive the training, backing and support of myself, the team and our company.
I look forward to getting to know you better!
Jackie Ulmer
"The NEXT boom in candles will be in "Natural Wax" Candles!"
Our candles are made from vegetables and other natural products. No Paraffin!
The demographics are in our favor. This information places our business in front of the bubble. We are on the ground floor of this business. Like Microsoft and Apple in the early 1980's.
As the target candle buying market age they will most likely continue to buy candles and so will their children. Thus creating an entirely new market, the babies of the "baby boom" generation..
Today in a world where the focus is on reducing stress, creating a healthier environment and a cleaner, nurturing home candles made from soy and natural products are the perfect fit.
In today's world with the increasing oil and petroleum prices it just doesn't seem "politically correct" to be burning petroleum-based paraffin candles. That's why candles based upon soy bean oil and other natural ingredients are finding a growing market for their products!
Let's Look at Recent Data on the Candle Industry:
The candle industry is growing at an estimated 10% annually.
"Have you ever burned a gourmet alternative wax candle?" That simple sentence is being repeated all over the country and is sparking interest in candle buyers everywhere.
As natural wax candles develop recognition, the potential for this product to eventually convert a huge percentage of the current candle buying consumer gets bigger and better every day.
What if, in the next 5 years only 10% of those buyers "switched" to Gourmet natural wax candles? The potential is huge because of the quality of the product and because "word of mouth" marketing can create that market demand much quicker than other forms of distribution!
Imagine the income potential that that kind of growth will generate. Don't you want to be part of that growth, earning your share of the profits that are to be made? Don't miss out on this GREAT opportunity.
More on My Training and Partnership
When I made the decision to be a top income earner and leader with my company, I knew I wanted to create something different. I wanted to be the type of sponsor, coach and trainer that is dependable and backs up claims. I wanted to know that no one would ever leave my business because I was not there to provide training and support.
So, I developed a training program that encompasses all different ways of working the business and all of the tools and resources one could possibly desire.
Here is what you can expect -
Partners in Success - This 20 question outline helps me get to know you better and provide the tools and support you'll need to develop a solid business plan.
Strategy Session to Develop Your Own MLM Business Plan and Daily/Weekly Action Plan
Weekly Coaching Session to Get Your Business Launched
Recruiting 101 - Understand the Basics to Team Building and understand "rejection" in our business. I'll share with you how to never look at a "no" as a rejection.
BOSS Training - The Notification Principle for Your Business and Products
Understanding Your Company Website and Back office, what you need to know and where to find it.
Online Marketing and Business Building Training
Getting Your Website Developed and into the Search Engines
Automating the follow-up
Social Networking Online
Finding Your Target Market and Online Niche
How and Where to find qualified MLM Leads and Prospects
Developing a small, loyal customer base for your MLM Products
Tools For Your MLM Business - what you need to have to be successful
How to Communicate Effectively - you can say too much and turn off your prospects
How to Present Your Opportunity
How to Train and Duplicate
How to Lead a Successful Team
Weekly Accountability Guide
Tracking Your Weekly Action Plan
Weekly Team Coaching and Training Call
Recorded Training Calls
Much More
You must know that you'll never know it all! Your MLM Training will be an ongoing process so make sure that you always stay in the learning mode and be open to new ideas. One new idea put into action could create millions for you and your team!